Sapling CTF 2023

The CTF has started, and will run until February 3rd! Good luck!

Our annual UBC-wide cybersecurity competition from January 27th through February 3rd.

Hosted by Maple Bacon.

Join the event Discord!


1st Place: $300

2nd Place: $200

3rd Place: $100

5 raffle prizes: $50 each

Best writeup: winner $100, runner-up $50

+ exclusive interviews with our sponsors and stickers for the winning superteam!


What is a CTF?

Capture The Flag competitions are computer security competitions where players compete to retrieve secret texts called "flags". These flags lie within vulnerable applications, encrypted messages, network dumps, and more.

Visit our website for more info!

Is there a team limit for this CTF?

Teams are limited to 4 people.

Are there prizes?

Yes! Check out our landing page for more info on prizes.


To be eligible for prizes, you must be a current UBC student.

Do not share challenge details, solutions, flags, or secrets with anyone outside of your team.

Do not attack or abuse competition infrastructure or any other service not specified explicitly in a challenge. None of our challenges will require portscanning/DOS, and using these tools will only slow the servers down.

Any team that breaks these terms may be disqualified.



Teck Resources

UBC Computer Science Student Society

Thank you to our generous sponsors for making this event possible.

About Us

Maple Bacon is the CTF team at the University of British Columbia. Our team was initially formed in February 2019 under the mentorship of Dr. Robert Xiao. Our worldwide ranking and history can be found on